P.A.Baikov. Scientific career.
- 1986-1987:
Hamiltonian analysis of systems with constraints:
general relativity in the tetrad formalism, affine-metric gravity
(diploma thesis, Moscow State University, 1987).
- 1987-1988:
Classification of quadratic forms of Poincare, affine
and projective invariant Lagrangians.
Some ghost- and tachyon-free Lagrangians were found.
- 1989-1993:
The definition of gamma-5 in the dimensional regularisation
free of spurious anomalies.
The 2-loop contribution to the gluon
condensate coefficient function in two-current correlators.
Kandidate of science (PhD) (Moscow State University, 1993).
- 1990-1994:
Participation in CompHEP project (testing and physical support).
- 1994-1995:
The 3-loop QED vacuum polarization for small q^2;
3-loop insertion contribution to the 4-loop muon anomalous magnetic
- 1995-1996:
Multi-loop Feynman integrals: integral
representation for the recurrence relations (RR) solutions.
Explicit RR solutions for 3-loop vacuum (0-scale)
integrals; REDUCE implementation.
- 1997:
FORM implementation of the explicit RR solutions for 3-loop
vacuum integrals.
- 1998-2001:
Solving the RR for the massless 4-loop propagator integrals
(reconstruction of the exact results from the expansion of the RR solutions
in the large space-time dimension limit).
a_s^4*N_F^2 contribution to R(s).
- 2002:
a_s^4*N_F^2*m^2 contribution to R(s).
- 2004:
a_s^4*m^2 contribution to R(s).
- 2005:
a_s^4 contribution to "scalar" R(s) (Higgs decay into b-quarks).
- 2007:
a_s^4 contribution to the betha-function of the quenched QED.
- 2008:
a_s^4 contribution to "vector" R(s) (QCD Corrections to Z and tau Decays).
- Current research:
Calculations of the a_s^4 corrections in QCD.
list of papers (SPIRES)
Last update: May 12, 2011