Yuri Kubyshin
Keywords: quantum field theory, particle physics,
cosmology, mathematical physics
- I obtained Ph.D. degree in Physics from the Moscow State University
in 1983.
Research interests during last years:
- multidimensional (Kaluza-Klein type) theories
- multidimensional cosmological models
- exact renormalization group approach
- 2D Yang-Mills theories
- instanton-induced high energy processes of elementary particles
- Recent scientific publications:
- Álvarez E. and Kubyshin Yu. Is the string coupling
constant invariant under T-duality? Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.),
vol. 57, p. 41-51 (1997).
- Comellas J., Kubyshin Yu. and Moreno E. Exact renormalization
group study of fermionic theories. Nucl. Phys., vol. B490,
p. 653-686 (1997).
- Kirsten K. and Kubyshin Yu. Amplification of the scattering
cross section due to non-trivial topology of the spacetime.
Z. Phys. C., vol. 76, p. 363-374 (1997).
- Kubyshin Yu. Exact renormalization group approach in scalar and
fermionic theories. In: "Renormalization Group - 96",
Proceedings of the 3d International Conference
(Dubna, Russia, 26-31 August, 1996) Eds. Shirkov D.V., Kazakov D.I.
and Priezzhev V.B. JINR, Dubna, 1997. P. 277-293.
- Aroca J.M. and Kubyshin Yu. Study of Wilson loop functionals in
2D Yang-Mills theories. 1998, 18 p. (hep-th/9802048).
- Kubyshin Yu.A. Exact renormalization group approach in scalar
and fermionic theories. Int. J. Mod. Phys., vol. B12, Nos 12 \& 13,
p. 1321-1341 (1998).
- Kubyshin Yu.A. and Tinyakov P.G. Propagator in the instanton
background and instanton-induced processes in scalar model.
1998, 16p. (hep-ph/9812321).
- Kubyshin Yu. and Martin J. Bounds on Kaluza-Klein cosmologies
from COBE results. In: "New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics",
Proceedings of the International Workshop (Faro, Portugal, 8-10
September 1996). Eds. Mour\~ao A.M., Pimenta M., Potting R. and
Sonderegger P. World Scientific, Singapore, 1998. P. 297-313.
- Kubyshin Yu., Neves R. and Potting R. Polchinski ERG equation
and 2D scalar theory. To appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop
on the Exact Renormalization Group (Faro, Portugal, 10-12 September
1998) (hep-th/9811151).
- Volobujev I.P. and Kubyshin Yu.A. Differential geometry and Lie
algebras and their applications in field theory.
Editorial URSS, Moscow, 1998 (in Russian). 222 p.
- Aroca J.M. and Kubyshin Yu.A. Calculation of Wilson loops in
2-dimensional Yang-Mills theories. 1999, 45p. (hep-th/9901155).
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