The XVth International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (QFTHEP'2000) continued a series of the QFTHEP workshops started in 1985 by the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University and conceived with the purpose of presenting topics of current interest and providing a stimulating environment for scientific discussion on new developments in particle physics, either theoretical and experimental. Traditionally the list of Workshop attendees included not only world known experts, but also a large number of active young scientists and students from Russia and other countries.

The Workshop QFTHEP'2000 was organized in co-operation by the D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University and the Tver State University. It was held from September 14 till September 20, 2000, in the Tver Region of Russia.

QFTHEP'2000 was attended by more than 20 foreign scientists from 11 countries, about 100 scientists from various regions of Russia and other NIS. About 20 plenary reports and about 80 talks at the parallel sessions were presented during the Workshop. The structure of the conference allowed the participants to combine stimulating discussions of new results in specific areas of the physics of fundamental interactions with fruitful exchange of knowledge (via general plenary talks and informal discussions) from the perspective of experimenters, theorists, phenomenologists and teachers.

These Proceedings include more than 50 contributed papers which cover a wide spectrum of topics:

Collider Physics;

Heavy Ion Collisions;

Computation Methods and Tools for High Energy Physics;

Physics of Bound States and Hadron Decays;

Selected Topics in Quantum Field Theory;

Models of Nuclei and Experimental Aspects.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee we would like to thank all the speakers for their excellent talks, the International Advisory Committee for support, advice and contributions, the authors for submitting their manuscripts for publication.

The Organizing Committee expresses its deepest gratitude to the institutions and foundations kindly having sponsored the Workshop. The provided support has allowed to host QFTHEP'2000 on the proper scientific level and to foster the contacts of the Russia and NIS attendees with the world scientific community.

We are indebted to Mrs. Valeria Keshek, Drs. Mikhail Iofa, Vasily Tarasov and other members of the Organizing Committee for their cooperation and efficient help with the preparation of the Proceedings for publication.
