information bulletin #1
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Dear Colleague,

Thank you for your consent to participate in the XVth International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory. It will be held on September 14-20, 2000 in the tourist center "Verkhnevolzhskaya" situated on the bank of the river Volga near the city of Tver. The arrival day is the 13th of September, the departure day is the 20th of September (in the afternoon).
The Organizing Committee will arrange a transport to take the participants from Moscow to the Workshop site and also to bring them back after the Workshop. The bus will depart from the principal entrance (the one facing the Moscow river) of the Main Building of the Moscow State University (Vorobievy Gory) at 15:00 on the 13th of September. The return trip from the "Verkhnevolzhskaya" tourist center is planned for September the 20th at 16:00.
The travel information on how to reach the "Verkhnevolzhskaya" tourist center if you travel on your own is given below.
We are glad to inform you that the Organizing Committee has found a possibility to pay the Workshop registration fee and full-board accommodation at the "Verkhnevolzhskaya" tourist center during the Workshop for those participants from the Former Soviet Union states who need this.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Workshop in September.
Please, send all correspondence concerning the Workshop to the Secretary of the Workshop Mrs. V. Keshek.


There are several ways to reach the "Verkhnevolzhskaya" tourist center from Moscow:
1) By bus Moscow-Tver from Yaroslavski Railway Terminal in Moscow, you should get out at Novo-Melkovo.
2) By intercity train Moscow-St.Petersburg from Leningradski Railway Terminal to Tver, and then by bus or taxi from the railway station to Novo-Melkovo.
3) By suburban train from the Leningradski Railway Terminal to Red'kino station, and then by bus to Novo-Melkovo (alternatively, to Radchenko and then walk about 1km).
3) By car: take the highway Moscow-St.Petersburg and look for the sign "Baza Otdykha Verkhnevolzhskaya" at the 132nd km.

| Main page | Advisory Committee | Organizing Committee | Topics | Contributions | Participation fee | Social Programme | Travel | Deadline | Registration | Information Bulletin #1 | Information Bulletin #3 | Preliminary Program | Pre-registration Form | Contact Info |

Last update: August 30, 2000