The Workshop continues a series of workshops started by the Institute of Nuclear Physics in 1985 and conceived with the purpose of presenting topics of current interest and providing a stimulating environment for scientific discussion on new developments in theoretical and experimental high energy physics and physical programs for future colliders. Traditionally the list of workshop attendees includes a great number of active young scientists from Russia and other countries.
The Workshop will take place in the city of Samara from September 4 till September 10, 1997. Samara is one of the biggest and oldest Russian cities on the river Volga and it is a part of the UNKNOWN RUSSIA, because it was closed for foreigners for many years. During the World War II the city (then named Kuibyshev) was the second capital of the Soviet Union for almost three years, because the Soviet Government and the diplomatic corps were relocated to Samara. The city is famous for its unique surrounding countryside with the river Volga and the Zhiguli Mountains, masterpieces of architecture, theaters and museums, including the Stalin's Bunker.
The participants of the Workshop will stay and work at a holiday hotel "Samarskiy", situated in a secluded quiet city park on the bank of the river Volga.
The working language at the Workshop will be English.
Talks will be selected by the Organizing Committee on the basis of abstracts to be submitted before August 1, 1997.
The Workshop Proceedings will be published, the instructions for authors are .
The contents of the last year Workshop Proceedings is here.
(to be confirmed)
A. Anselm (PNPI, St. Petersburg), A. Andrianov (Univ. of St. Petersburg), F. Berends (Univ. of Leiden), M. Chaichian (Univ. of Helsinki), F. Dydak (CERN), I. Ginzburg (Novosibirsk Math. Inst.), W. Hollik (Univ. of Karlsruhe), V. Kadyshevsky (JINR), R. Klanner (DESY, Hamburg), P. Osland (Univ. of Bergen), V. Rubakov (INR RAN, Moscow), Y. Shimizu (KEK, Tsukuba), D. Shirkov (JINR, Dubna), P. Sorba (LAPP, Annecy), H.S. Song (Seoul National Univ.), P. Soeding (DESY-Zeuthen), J. Vary (Iowa State Univ.), P. Zerwas (DESY, Hamburg)
V. Astafiev (Samara Univ.), P.Baikov (INP MSU), E. Bashkirov (Samara Univ), A. Biryukov (Samara Univ), E. Boos (INP MSU), B. Danilyuk (Samara Univ), A. Demichev (INP MSU), M. Dubinin (INP MSU), M. Dolgopolov (Samara Univ.), P. Ermolov (INP MSU), A. Gorokhov (Samara Univ.), I. Guralnik (Samara Univ.), V. Ilyin (INP MSU), V. Keshek (secretary, INP MSU), E. Kogan (Samara Region Adm.), A. Krutov (Samara Univ.), B. Levtchenko (INP MSU), A. Martynenko (Samara Univ.), A. Puzyrny (Samara Univ.), V. Saleev (Samara Univ.), V. Savrin (chairman, INP MSU), A. Semenov (INP MSU), N. Sotnikova (INP MSU), N. Sveshnikov (INP MSU), V. Tarasov (INP MSU), I. Tsirova (Samara Univ.), I. Volobuev (INP MSU)