====== Name of the project ====== Alphabetic order \\ Deadline for submission 30.04.2018 \\ ^ Name ^ Description ^ Author ^ | ADAM | Astrophysics Data Analysis and Management | Shigarov | | APPDS | AstroParticle Physics Distributed Storage | Kryukov | | AstroPub | AstroParticle Physics Public Data Service | Shigarov | | CAPPITO | Centre for AstroParticle Physics Information TechnOlogy | Haungs | | CORDUS | COsmic Ray Data User Service | Haungs | | KRAD | Karlsruhe-Russian Astroparticle Data life cycle initiative | Haungs | | CRAB | Cosmic RAy (data) huB | Kryukov | | CR-hub | Cosmic Ray (data) hub | Kryukov | **Round 1** * ADAM * APPDS * AstroPub * CAPPITO * CORDUS * KRAD * CRAB * CR-hub As a result, three options were selected with the same number of votes: **APPDS**, **CORDUS**, **CRAB**\\ One more option was suggested during Skype call on 2018.04.06: **astroparticle.online** (similar to domain name of hubzero portal).\\ These four options come to next round. **Round 2** * APPDS * CORDUS * CRAB * astroparticle.online