====== Publications ====== - A.P.Kryukov and A.P.Demichev "Architecture of Distributed Data Storage for Astroparticle Physics". [[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1995080218090123 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2018, Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 1199–1206.]] [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.02403|arXiv:1811.02403]] - A.P.Kryukov and A.P.Demichev "Decentralized Data Storages: Technologies of Construction". [[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0361768818050067|Programming and Computer Software, 2018, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 303–315]], [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.06279|arXive:1811.06279]] - A. Demichev and A. Kryukov "Management of provenance metadata for large scientific experiments based on the distributed consensus algorithm", 2018. In: Russian Supercomputing Days: Proceedings of the International Conference (September 24-25, 2018, Moscow, Russia), pp. 287 — 295.[[http://russianscdays.org/files/pdf18/287.pdf|RSCD'2018 Proceedings]] - Andrey Demichev, Julia Dubenskaya, Alexander Kryukov, Stanislav Polyakov, Nikolai Prikhod’ko "A new approach to the development of provenance metadata management systems for large scientific experiments", 2018/ In: Proceedings of The 8th International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education" (GRID 2018; 10-14 September 2018, Dubna, Russia), [[http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2267/323-327-paper-61.pdf| CEUR-WS, v.2267, pp.323-327]] - Andrey Demichev, Alexander Kryukov and Nikolai Prikhod'ko "The Approach to Managing Provenance Metadata and Data Access Rights in Distributed Storage Using the Hyperledger Blockchain Platform", 2018. In: Proceedings of Ivannikov ISPRAS Open Conference (November 22-23, 2018, Moscow, Russia), [[https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.12706.pdf|arXiv:1811.12706]] - Andrey Demichev, Alexander Kryukov, Nikolai Prikhod'ko “Blockchain-Based Delegation of Rights in Distributed Computing Environment” Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2019; Almaty, Kazakhstan, August 19–23, 2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 11657, pp. 408–418, 2019; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-25636-4_32. - A.P. Demichev, J.Yu. Dubenskaya, E.Yu. Fedotova, A.P. Kryukov, S.P. Polyakov, N.V. Prikhod’ko “Provenance metadata management in distributed storages using the Hyperledger blockchain platform” in Proceedings of The III International Workshop "Data life cycle in physics experiments 2019" (2-7 April 2019 Irkutsk, Russia), pp. 35-42 (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2406/paper5.pdf) - A.P. Demichev, J.Yu. Dubenskaya, E.Yu. Fedotova, A.P. Kryukov, S.P. Polyakov, N.V. Prikhod’ko “Hyperledger-based data provenance in distributed computing environments” 2019, Труды конференции Суперкомпьютерные дни в России: Труды международной конференции (23-24 сентября 2019 г., г. Москва). – М.: Изд-во МГУ, 2019. стр. 24 - 32 (https://russianscdays.org/en/Proceedings, DOI: 10.29003/m680.RussianSCDays). - Andrey Demichev, Alexander Kryukov, Nikolai Prikhod'ko, "Metadata driven data management in distributed computing environments with partial or complete lack of trust between user groups", в сборнике Proceedings of the 2019 Ivannikov ISPRAS Open Conference (ISPRAS, 05-06 Dec. 2019), серия IEEE Xplore Digital Library, издательство IEEE Computer Society (United States), 2020 - Andrey Demichev, Alexander Kryukov, Nikolai Prikhod'ko, "Access Rights Management in Decentralized Distributed Computing Systems", CEUR Workshop Proceedings, v. 2679, pp. 59-65, 2020 (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2679/short3.pdf) - Andrey Demichev, Alexander Kryukov, Nikolai Prikhod’ko "Business Process Engineering for Data Storing and Processing in a Collaborative Distributed Environment Based on Provenance Metadata, Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technology", Journal of Grid Computing (Springer Nature, Switzerland), v. 19, No. 1, pp. 1-30 (**//The project final paper.//**) [[https://rdcu.be/ceBEe|Full text access]] ====== Presentations ====== - A. Demichev and A. Kryukov «{{archive:rsf00075:demichev_kryukov_rscd2018_v3.pdf | Management of provenance metadata for large scientific experiments based on the distributed consensus algorithm}}», Международная конференция Суперкомпьютерные дни в России (24-25 сентября 2018 г., г. Москва). - Andrey Demichev, Julia Dubenskaya, Alexander Kryukov, Stanislav Polyakov, Nikolai Prikhod’ko "A new approach to the development of provenance metadata management systems for large scientific experiments", The 8th International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education" (GRID 2018; 10-14 September 2018, Dubna, Russia), [[http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2267/323-327-paper-61.pdf, CEUR-WS, v.2267, pp.323-327]] - Andrey Demichev, Alexander Kryukov, Nikolai Prikhodko "{{archive:rsf00075:demichev_isp_ras_v2.pdf |The Approach to Managing Provenance Metadata and Data Access Rights in Distributed Storage Using the Hyperledger Blockchain Platform}}", International Ivannikov ISPRAS Open Conference, November 22-23, 2018, Moscow, Russia - А.П. Демичев, А.П. Крюков, Н.В. Приходько «Управление распределенными хранилищами данных на основе метаданных, умных контрактов и блокчейн-технологии», Национальный Суперкомпьютерный Форум (НСКФ-2018) Россия, Переславль-Залесский, ИПС имени А.К. Айламазяна РАН, 27 – 30 ноября 2018 года - А. П. Крюков, А. П. Демичев, «Распределенные хранилища данных для крупных научных экспериментов и управление ими на основе метаданных провенанса», Доклад на Семинаре Московской Секции ACM SIGMOD, 28.03.2019 г., МГУ, Москва, http://synthesis.ipi.ac.ru/sigmod/seminar/s20190328.html (устный, 2 часа) (видео доклада полностью доступно на сайте: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOVWNwQsW58) - Andrey Demichev, Julia Dubenskaya, Elena Fedotova, Alexander Kryukov, Stanislav Polyakov and Nikolay Prikhod’ko «Provenance Metadata Management in Distributed Storages Using the Hyperledger Blockchain Platform», III International workshop "Data life cycle in physics", DLC-2019, 2-7 April 2019, Irkutsk, Russia (приглашенный). Сайт конференции: https://indico.scc.kit.edu/event/526/overview - Andrey Demichev, Alexander Kryukov, and Nikolai Prikhod’ko «Blockchain-Based Delegation of Rights in Distributed Computing Environment», 15th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PACT2019) August 19-23, 2019, Almaty, Kazakhstan (устный). Сайт конференции: http://ssd.sscc.ru/conference/pact2019/ - A.P. Demichev, A.P. Kryukov, N.V. Prikhod’ko, J.Yu. Dubenskaya, E.Yu. Fedotova and S.P.Polyakov «Hyperledger-based Data Provenance in Distributed Computing Environments», International Conference «Russian Supercomputing Days», September 23-24, 2019, Moscow, Russia (устный). Сайт конференции: http://russianscdays.org/ - А.Крюков, А.Демичев "Управление распределенными хранилищами данных на основе метаданных, умных контрактов и блокчейн-технологии", II Всероссийский научно-практический форум с международным участием "Цифровизация-2019", 28-29 октября 2019, Москва, РФ (приглашенный). Сайт форума: http://forum.msu.ru/ - Andrey Demichev, Alexander Kryukov, Nikolai Prikhod'ko, "Metadata driven data management in distributed computing environments with partial or complete lack of trust between user groups", Ivannikov ISPRAS Open Conference, ISPRAS, 05-06 Dec. 2019, Moscow, Russia (устный). Сайт конференции: https://www.isprasopen.ru/en/ - Andrey Demichev, Alexander Kryukov, Nikolai Prikhod'ko, "Access Rights Management in Decentralized Distributed Computing Systems", IV International Workshop "Data life cycle in physics", DLC-2020, 8-10 June 2020, (приглашенный), Сайт конференции: https://indico.scc.kit.edu/event/806/overview