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Instructions for Installing CompHEP under OSX

Warning! Be aware, that Mac OS ix not Linux, installation of any GNU (or GNU-based) software can cause problems!

Here is a set of instructions for installing CompHEP on a Macintosh running OS X.

Prerequested software

Before doing anything else,

  • install the Apple “Developers' Disk” that came with your operating system
  • install X11 from the OS disk or from the Apple web site
  • go to Fink ( or any other GNU software repository), download the fink application and “Fink Commander”, and then use this to download the binary files for:
    gfortran   (fortran 77 compiler)


  • download the last version of the software from the comphep web site,
  • Unpack the tar and put the resulting directory in convenient place.
  • Run “ ./configure –help” and read the help page. If you need ROOT you can download it from (for Mac!!!)
  • Run “make”.
  • Run “make setup WDIR=path_to_your_working_dir_for_comphep”.

Our tests

We have tested these instructions on a particular machine running under OS 10.4. and with the following versions of GNU software:

  1. GNU make 3.80
  2. gcc 4.0.1
  3. gfortran 4.3.0

If you have a problem on your machine, please send your report to us at giving the specific versions of the OS and all software.

comphep/new-mac.txt · Last modified: 23/04/2010 14:44 by