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Труды конференции

28 сентября 2024г.

Notification of paper acceptance is September 30 → October 15, 2024

Окончательный срок приема исправленных версий счтатей - 17 сентября, 2024.
После 17 сентября работы, имеющие статус “На исправлении” будут сняты с публикации.


24/03/2024 18:32 · admin

The 8th International Conference on Deep Learning in Computational Physics

June 19-21, 2024
SINP MSU, Moscow, Russia

Official website DLCP2024:

We are pleased to invite you to participate to the DLCP2024 – The 8th International Conference on Deep Learning in Computational Physics which will be held at the Skobeltsin Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) on June 19-21, 2024.

The conference will be held in a mixed format: face-to-face and remote.

The conference focuses on the use of machine learning in particle astrophysics and high energy physics, physics of atmosphere and other areas of natural sciences. Topics of interest are various applications of artificial neural networks to physical problems, as well as the development of new modern machine learning methods for analyzing various scientific data, including big data.

The working languages are English and Russian.


The main topics

Section 1. Machine Learning in Fundamental Physics

Section 2. Machine Learning for Environmental Sciences

Section 3. Machine Learning in Natural Sciences

The conference will feature:

Important dates

Registration and abstract submission

The registration and abstract submission should be done via the website: Registration and abstract submission.

Registration fee

To participate in the conference, you must purchase a ticket through the TimePad service. Organizational support for the conference is provided by the conference partner IP Laboratory Russia.

The ticket price includes organizational expenses, participation support, coffee breaks, preparation of conference materials, including publication of proceedings.
Accommodation and social events are not included and must be paid for separately by participants.

On site participation:

Online (remote participation):

If you plan to participate in person or have received confirmation that your report is included in the conference program, then you need to buy a ticket by clicking on the link of DLCP2024 event on the Timepad service.

Attention! Payment for participation must be made no later than June 18. Otherwise, you will be excluded from the list of participants.

Please send confirmation of payment to the conference email



After blind peer review, all accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings as a special issue of the journal Moscow University Physics Bulletin in 2024 in both electronic and paper form. The journal is published in English by Springer and indexed in the databases WoS and Scopus and is included in the Russian index RCSI too.

We invite three types of submissions:

INVITED PAPERS until 30 pages
REGULAR PAPERS describe research not published or submitted elsewhere (12-15 pages).
SHORT PAPERS may be position papers, descriptions of research prospects, challenges, projects, ongoing works, or applications (5-9 pages).

Place and transportation

The Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclea Physics of MSU (Leninskie gory-1, bld.5, Moscow, Russia, near by metro “Universitet”). The ZOOM link will only be sent to registered participants 2 days before the start of the conference.


Conference participants have to make hotel reservations on their own and in advance. Sorry, NO VISA support.

Program committee

Organizing committee


Группа компаний РСК — ведущий российский и хорошо известный в мире разработчик и интегратор «полного цикла» инновационных энергоэффективных, высокоплотных, масштабируемых решений с жидкостным охлаждением для высокопроизводительных вычислений и систем для машинного/глубокого обучения (High-Performance Computing, Machine Learning/Deep Learning), центров обработки данных (ЦОД), Edge Computing решений и интеллектуальных систем хранения данных «по требованию» (storage-on-demand).
АйПи Лаборатория - консалтинговая компания, работающая в области искусственного интеллекта. Мы выпускаем аналитику, делаем образовательные программы, организуем конференции. Наш самый известный проект - Открытая конференция по искусственному интеллекту OpenTalks.AI


All correspondence should be addressed by e-mail: