Task coordinator : V. Ilyin, belonging to team: SINP-MSU
Installation and test of the key LCG infrastructure components (Resource Broker, Information Service, etc.) in the Russian segment to achieve its full-scale functionality. This upgrading implies preserving full integration of the Russian GRID segment into the LCG infrastructure so that it will serve as a cluster at the Tier2 level.
Evaluation of the new technology based on Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) considered as a candidate for further stages of LCG. Testingthe key components of LCG middleware in this new environment. Investigation of possibility for implementation of WSRF-compliant services at Russian LCG-segment.
Development of Russian LCG web portal (current prototype - http://lcg.jinr.ru) including: information support (current status of tasks, participants, sites, resources etc.); current resource usage and statistics; tools for integration of monitoring data in summary tables and graphical form.
The deployment of the key GRID components in Russian segment will be based on LCG middleware (EDG, GLOBUS, Condor, etc). Implementation of the components will be carried out in such a way that at every step to preserve functionality of the segment in order to match the requirements and obligations within the LCG project.
Available releases of WSRF-compliant middleware will be tested, compaed with OGSA-based Globus Tolkit 3 and evaluated. In the case of positive results, some services will be gradually deployed in Grid system within SINP-MSU, JINR and in Russian LCG-segment. The middleware is planned to be tested in several hosting environments, with different application servers and types of application problems.
Use of Web forms for giving monitoring information of GRID's, monitoring information from computing units and system, statistic information on utilized capacity and the resource usage. Developing of special software for collecting various information from heterogeneous systems. Storing the information in specialized databases.
The task is depending on : The development of test suite for new LCG middleware Experience in research and development of Grid middleware for EDG, tools for Grid submission application; experience in deploying EDG middleware in Russian GRID segment. The phase-1 Russian LCG segment. Available releases of OGSA- and WSRF-based Globus Toolkits Components of LCG middleware. The documentation with the description of interfaces to the sensor controls and common structure of description of computing resources. Use of regional links (basically 100 Mbps now).
Full-scale integration of the Russian segment into the LCG-2/3 infrastructure as a cluster at the Tier2 level.
Recommendations on use of the OGSA approach for LCG applications, documentation for users as well as publications in journals and conference proceedings. The investigation of functionality of the WSRF-based Globus Toolkit together with components of LCG middleware in Grid-systems with complicated Trier2 structure may improve effectiveness of Grid calculations and data processing for LHC computing.
Creation of an advanced web site and an additional software to provide LCG users with an uniform interface to the various information services.
Milestones of the task research program are indicated in the subtask description.
Project report, computer programs, documentation for LCG users in the Russian segment, information materials for developers on OGSA- and WSRF-based Grids, publications in journals and conference proceedings.
Subtask coordinator : V. Ilyin, belonging to team: SINP-MSU, deputy E. Tikhonenko (JINR)
Other participants: A. Kryukov, L. Shamardin and L. Stepanova (all SINP-MSU), V. Korenkov and V. Mitsyn (JINR), V. Gavrilov, V. Kolosov, S. Makarychev and E. Lyublev (all ITEP), Yu. Ryabov and A. Kiryanov (both PNPI), E. Slabospitskya, Yu. Lazin and V. Motyakov (all IHEP), Yu. Tikhonov and A. Zaytsev (BINP), L. Rovertson and I. Bird (both CERN-IT)
The Russian LCG segment is currently being joined to LCG-1 as a set of sites (institutes). From the beginning of 2004, in the framework of the current project, we plan to install and test the key infrastructure components, such as the Resource Broker, Resource Information Service, etc., in order to achieve its full-scale functionality. This upgrading implies preserving full integration of the Russian GRID segment into the LCG infrastructure so that it will serve as a cluster at the Tier2 level.
The deployment of the key GRID components in Russian segment will be based on LCG middleware (EDG, GLOBUS, Condor, etc). Implementation of the components will be carried out in such a way that at every step to preserve functionality of the segment in order to match the requirements and obligations within the LCG project.
Experience in research and development of Grid middleware for EDG, tools for Grid submission application; experience in deploying EDG middleware in Russian GRID segment. The phase-1 Russian LCG segment.
Full-scale integration of the Russian segment into the LCG-2/3 infrastructure as a cluster at the Tier2 level.
As deliverables we plan the project report, documentation for LCG users in the Russian segment, publications in journals and conference proceedings.
Subtask coordinator : A. Demichev, belonging to team: SINP-MSU
Other participants: L. Shamardin and V. Kalyaev (SINP-MSU), V. Pose (JINR), M. Lamanna (CERN IT)
It is widely expected that future architecture of Grid systems will be more clearly aligned with the general evolution of Web services (WS) and will integrate more effectively with WS standards. Currently, a basis for such an evolution of the Grid is provided by the WS-Resource Framework (WSRF; http://www.globus.org/wsrf). The WS-Resource Framework was inspired by the preceding work on the Open Grid Service Architecture/Infrastructure (OGSA/OGSI). Our task will be an evaluation of this new technology considered as a candidate for the further stages of LCG. In particular, we shall study the WSRF-based releases of Globus Toolkit (GT), the first such release (GT4.0-beta) being scheduled by the Globus Alliance and IBM for June 2004. Then we intend to study a possibility for implementation of WSRF-compliant GRID services in the Tier2-structure of the Russian segment.
At the preliminary stage, the latest OGSA-based version of the Globus Toolkit (GT3.2) will be tested to have a reference point for further comparison with the WSRF-based versions of the middleware. A preliminary study of WSRF-based GT-releases will be carried out at PCs in CERN, JINR and SINP MSU. The middleware is planned to be tested in several hosting environments, with different application servers and types of application problems. In the case of successful results of the tests, some WSRF-compliant services may be gradually implemented in a Grid segments within SINP-MSU and JINR. We shall use the link Russia-CERN and personal visits for communications with IT team.
The subtask depends on: OGSA (GT3) and WSRF (GT4) based Globus Toolkit releases. Components of LCG middleware.
The result of our activity is expected to be recommendations on use of the WSRF approach for LCG applications, documentation for users. The investigation of functionality of the Globus Toolkit together with components of LCG middleware in Grid-systems with complicated Trier2 structure may improve effectiveness of Grid calculations and data processing for LHC computing.
As deliverables we plan the report, documentation for users and publications in journals and conference proceedings.
Subtask coordinator : E. Nikonov, belonging to team: JINR
Other participants: D. Oleynik (JINR)
Development of Russian LCG web portal (current prototype - http://lcg.jinr.ru) including: information support (current status of tasks, participants, sites, resources etc.); current resource usage and statistics; tools for integration of monitoring data in summary tables and graphical form.
User-friendly interface to information resources. Use of Web forms for giving monitoring information of GRID's, Monitoring information from computing units and system, statistic information on utilized capacity and the resource usage. Developing of special software for collecting various information from heterogeneous systems. Storing the information in specialized databases.
The documentation with the description of interfaces to the sensor controls and common structure of description of computing resources. Use of regional links (basically 100 Mbps now).
Creation of an advanced web site and additional software to provide LCG users with a uniform interface to the various information services.
Computer programs. Report as a preprint and a publication in journal.