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-====== Архив 2015 года ======+====== 2015 ======
 =====  Р.Н. Жохов  ===== =====  Р.Н. Жохов  =====
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 ** Точные решения. Их построение и применение в космологии (по материалам докторской диссертации). ** ** Точные решения. Их построение и применение в космологии (по материалам докторской диссертации). **
 +====== 2014 ======
 +++++ Раскрыть|
 +=====   А. Морозов  =====
 +Wednesday Oct 29, 2014, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Андрей Морозов (Физ.фак. МГУ)
 +** Корреляторы двумерной конформной теории и гипотеза АГТ. **
 +=====  Г.М. Зиновьев, С.В. Молодцов   =====
 +Wednesday May 21, 2014, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Г.М. Зиновьев, С.В. Молодцов (докладчик)
 +** Кварковые ансамбли с бесконечной корреляционной длиной **
 +=====  О.О. Новиков   =====
 +Wednesday April 23, 2014, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +О.О. Новиков  (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет)
 +** Низкоэнергетическая физика в моделях вселенной на доменной стенке (бране)
 +(по материалам кандидатской диссертации) **
 +=====  С.Ю. Вернов  =====
 +Wednesday April 16, 2014, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +С.Ю. Вернов
 +Космологические решения в моделях с неминимально
 + взаимодействующими скалярными полями (Cosmological solutions in models
 + with non-minimally coupled scalar fields).
 +=====  B.A. Arbuzov, I.V. Zaitsev =====
 +Wednesday April 9, 2014, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +B.A. Arbuzov and I.V. Zaitsev (SINP MSU)
 +On a possibility to calculate mass ratios of fundamental fermions
 +and the fine structure constant in the compensation approach.
 +=====  Щербань В.Н. (МПГУ) =====
 +Wednesday April 02, 2014, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 + Щербань В.Н. (МПГУ) 
 +** Структура постриманова пространства Римана-Картана
 +типа плоской волны ** (по результатам кандидатской диссертации).
 +=====  Н.С. Корчагин (ОИЯИ) =====
 +Wednesday March 19, 2014, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 + Н.С. Корчагин (ОИЯИ)
 +** Эффекты аномального хромомагнитного момента кварка
 +в некоторых реакциях при высоких энергиях ** (по результатам кандидатской
 +=====  М. Малышев =====
 +Wednesday Jan 29, 2014, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 + М. Малышев
 +** Исследование процессов рождения прямых фотонов и лептонных
 +пар в подходе kt-факторизации квантовой хромодинамики **
 +(по материалам кандидатской диссертации, научный руководитель Н.П. Зотов).
 +====== 2013 ======
 +++++ Раскрыть|
 +=====  А.Хмельницкий =====
 +Wednesday Dec 04, 2013, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 + Хмельницкий Андрей (ИЯИ РАН и Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
 +** Модели теплой темной материи в физике частиц и космологии (Warm dark
 +matter models in particle physics and cosmology) **
 +(по материалам кандидатской диссертации, научный руководитель В.А. Рубаков).
 +=====  К.Антипин =====
 +Wednesday June 05, 2013, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Антипин Константин (кафедрa квантовой теории и
 +физики высоких энергий)
 +** Теорема Хаага в коммутативном и некоммутативном
 +вариантах квантовой теории поля (по материалам кандидатской диссертации). ** 
 +=====  Б.М.Болотовский =====
 +Wednesday May 22, 2013, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Б.М.Болотовский (ФИАН)
 +** Хевисайд, физик божьей милостью.
 + (По материалам книги о творце современной электродинамики Хевисайде) **
 +=====  Д.С.Горбунов =====
 +Monday April 29, 2013, 16-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Д.С.Горбунов (ИЯИ РАН)
 +** Возможные проявления новой физики частиц в космологии и
 +ускорительных экспериментах. **
 +=====  А.А. Новоселов =====
 +Wednesday March 20, 2013, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +А.А. Новоселов (ИФВЭ)
 +** Рождение очарованных частиц при высоких энергиях
 + (по материалам кандидатской диссертации). **
 +=====  С.Ю. Вернов  =====
 +Wednesday February 27, 2013, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +** Процедура реконструкции в космологических моделях с неминимально
 +взаимодействующими скалярными полями (Reconstruction procedure in
 +cosmological models with nonminimally coupling scalar fields). **
 +=====  B.A. Arbuzov, I.V. Zaitsev =====
 +Wednesday February 20, 2013, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +B.A. Arbuzov, I.V. Zaitsev
 +** Elimination of the Landau pole in QCD with
 +spontaneously generated anomalous three-gluon interaction
 +=====  М.И. Поликарпов =====
 +Wednesday February 06, 2013, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +М.И. Поликарпов (ИТЭФ)
 +** Графен как квантовая теория поля **
 +====== 2012 ======
 +++++ Раскрыть|
 +=====  Yu.S. Voronina =====
 +Wednesday September 26, 2012, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Voronina Yu. S. (Physics Dep. of MSU) 
 +** Regularization and Renormalization of Kazimir pressure (by kandidat thesis) **
 +=====  B.A. Arbuzov  =====
 +Wednesday September 19, 2012, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +B.A. Arbuzov (SINP)
 +** LHC state at 125.5 GeV and FNAL data as
 +  an evidence for the existence of new class of particles -- $W$-hadrons **
 +=====  С.Ю. Вернов  =====
 +Wednesday September 05, 2012, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +С.Ю. Вернов
 +** Анализ пертурбаций в нелокальных космологических моделях
 + (Analysis of perturbations in non-local cosmological models) **
 +=====  S. Afonin  =====
 +Wednesday June 13, 2012, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Sergey Afonin (SPbSU)
 +** Phenomenological approaches to the spectroscopy of
 +light mesons (by doctor thesis) **
 +=====  M. Chaichian  =====
 +Wednesday May 23, 2012, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Masud Chaichian (University of Helsinki)
 +** CPT and Lorentz Invariance: Their Relation and Violation. **
 +=====  М.Н. Смоляков  =====
 +Wednesday Apr 25, 2012, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +М.Н. Смоляков
 +** О некоторых расходимостях в моделях "мира на бране". **
 +=====  М. В. Мартынов  =====
 +Wednesday Apr 18, 2012, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Мартынов М. В., ЯрГУ
 +** Эффекты новой физики в моделях с расширенной цветовой
 +симметрией.(Effects of New Physics in Models with Extended Color Symmetry.) **
 +=====  V.N. Tolstoy  =====
 +Wednesday Feb 01, 2012, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +V.N. Tolstoy (SINP MSU)
 +** Alternative relativistic supersymmetries. **
 +====== 2011 ======
 +++++ Раскрыть|
 +=====  А.В. Смирнов =====
 +Wednesday Dec 07, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +А.В. Смирнов (НИВЦ МГУ)
 +** Алгоритмическое вычисление фейнмановских интегралов. **
 +=====  Е. Зенкевич =====
 +Wednesday Nov 23, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Е. Зенкевич (ИЯИ РАН)
 +** Constraints on holographic technicolor
 +      (ограничения на голографические модели техницвета). **
 +=====  А.Д. Суханов  =====
 +Wednesday Nov 09, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +А.Д. Суханов
 +** Теория флуктуаций (квантовые и статистические). **
 +=====  S. Timofeev  =====
 +Wednesday Nov 02, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +S. Timofeev (MFTI)
 +** The study of the dynamics of inflation, the gravity
 +and the cosmological constant. **
 +=====  Иен Брок  =====
 +Wednesday Oct 05, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 + Иен Брок (ZEUS и ATLAS)
 +** Beauty and Truth in Particle Physics. **
 +=====  S.Yu. Vernov  =====
 +Wednesday June 15, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 + S.Yu. Vernov
 +** Nonlocal cosmological models inspired by the string field theory. **
 +=====  А. Фролов  =====
 +Wednesday June 08, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +А. Фролов (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
 +** Тёмная энергия или необычная гравитация? **
 +=====  А.А. Крутов  =====
 +Wednesday May 11, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +А.А. Крутов 
 +** Спектры энергий легких мюонных атомов в квантовой электродинамике (по материалам кандидатской диссертации). **
 +=====  М.З. Иофа =====
 +Wednesday March 02, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +М.З. Иофа
 +** Гравитационное излучение в дополнительное измерение и
 +первичный ядерный синтез. **
 +=====  A. Golutvin, M. Cattaneo и P. Charpentier  =====
 +Wednesday Jan 19, 2011, 11-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Andrey Golutvin, Marco Cattaneo и Philippe Charpentier (CERN,
 +коллаборация LHCb)
 +** LHCb: First physics results and experience with computing. **
 +=====  В.Е. Тарасов  =====
 +Wednesday Jan 12, 2011, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +В.Е. Тарасов 
 +** Модели теоретической физики с интегро-дифференцированием дробного порядка. **
 +====== 2010 ======
 +++++ Раскрыть|
 +=====  М.З. Иофа =====
 +Wednesday Dec 15, 2010, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 + М.З. Иофа
 +** Геодезические в пространстве с дополнительным измерением. 
 +Гравитоны уходят и возвращаются. **
 +=====  A. Davydychev =====
 +Wednesday Dec 01, 2010, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +A. Davydychev 
 +** Geometrical approach and other analytical methods of evaluating Feynman
 +diagrams and their applications.
 +===== L. Akopyan  =====
 +Wednesday Nov 24, 2010, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 + L. Akopyan (Moscow Phys.Tech.), 
 +** Tomographic methods in quantum
 +mechanics and in quantum optics (by kandidat thesis).
 +===== A.V. Koshelkin  =====
 +Wednesday Nov 10, 2010, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +A.V. Koshelkin (MIFI)
 +** Selfconsistent quasi-classical model in SU(N) gauge theory.
 +=====  В.Л.Коротких =====
 +Wednesday Oct 13, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +В.Л.Коротких (НИИЯФ МГУ)
 +**  Новый неожиданный результат эксперимента CMS по двухчастичным
 +корреляциям (Ridge effect) в рр столкновениях.
 +=====  Vernov S.Yu. =====
 +Wednesday Oct 06, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Vernov S.Yu.
 +** Gravitational models with nonlocal scalar fields. **
 +=====  Улыбышев М.В. =====
 +Thursday June 17, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Улыбышев М.В.
 +** Энергия казимировского взаимодействия в квантовой теории поля на решетке (по материалам кандидатской  диссертации). **
 +=====  L.M. Slad =====
 +Wednesday June 09, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +L.M. Slad
 +** Towards an infinite-component field theory with a double symmetry. Part 4. **
 +=====  L.M. Slad =====
 + Wednesday June 02, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +L.M. Slad
 +** Towards an infinite-component field theory with a double symmetry. Part 3. **
 +=====  Рогочая Е. П. =====
 + Wednesday May 26, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Рогочая Е. П. (БЛТФ ОИЯИ)
 +** Исследование нуклон-нуклонных взаимодействий
 +в подходе Бете-Солпитера с сепарабельным ядром. **
 +=====  L.M. Slad =====
 + Wednesday May 12, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +L.M. Slad
 +** Towards an infinite-component field theory with a double symmetry. Part 2. **
 +===== Панин А.Г. =====
 + Wednesday May 05, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Панин А.Г.(ИЯИ РАН)
 +** Квазиклассическое описание процессов динамического
 +туннелирования в многомерной квантовой механике. **
 +=====  L.M. Slad =====
 + Wednesday Apr 14, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +L.M. Slad
 +** Towards an infinite-component field theory with a double symmetry. Part 1. **
 +=====  L.M. Slad =====
 + Wednesday Apr 7, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +L.M. Slad
 +** Spin rotation as an element of polarization experiments. **
 +=====  N.P. Zotov =====
 + Thursday Feb 17, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +N.P. Zotov 
 +** Prompt photon hadroproduction with off-shell gluon-gluon fusion. **
 +===== Manuel G.P. Acosta  =====
 + Thursday Feb 10, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Manuel G.P. Acosta (BLTP, JINR)
 +** Long-lived superpartners in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. **
 +===== С.В. Молодцов =====
 + Wednesday Jan 20, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +С.В. Молодцов (ОИЯИ)
 +====== До 2009 года ======
 +++++ Раскрыть|
 +===== A. Bakulev =====
 + Thursday Nov 05, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +A. Bakulev (BLTP JINR)
 +** Hadronic observables in QCD: Fractional APT and nonlocal condensates. **
 +=====   Е.Ретинская, А.Сукачев =====
 +Oct 7 , 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 + 1. Е.Ретинская (каф общей ядерной физики) 20 мин.
 +** Распад D^0 -> mu^+ mu^- в детекторе LHC-B (доклад по итогам работы в рамках летней школы ЦЕРН 2009 г.)**
 + 2. А.Сукачев (НИИЯФ) 20 мин.
 +** Эффекты новой физики в смешивании нейтральных K^0, D^0, B^0 мезонов (уточнение результатов с учетом вопросов и замечаний на семинаре ОТФВЭ весной 2009 г.) **
 +=====   K.S. Nirov =====
 +July 01 , 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Nirov K. S. (INR RAS)
 +** Classification, symmetries and solutions of Toda systems. **
 +=====  R.R. Sadykov =====
 +June 03 , 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +R.R. Sadykov (JINR)
 +** One-loop electroweak corrections to Drell-Yan like processes
 + and to semileptonic top-quark decays. **
 +=====  V.E. Bunichev =====
 +May 27 , 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +V.E. Bunichev (SINP MSU)
 +** Automation of calculations and full
 +  simulation of processes involving the t-quark and new particles. **
 +=====  I.V. Zaitsev =====
 +May 13 , 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +I.V. Zaitsev (OTFVE SINP)
 +Light meson physics in QCD with spontaneous generation of Nambu -- Jona-Lasinio interaction. **
 +===== A.A. Osipov  =====
 +April 29 , 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +A.A. Osipov (JINR)
 +** Multiquark interactions, bosonisation methods
 +  and meson physics **
 +===== Yu.M.Tchuvil'sky =====
 +April 15 , 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Yu.M.Tchuvil'sky (SINP)
 +** Composite boson statistics **
 +===== M.Z. Iofa =====
 +March 18 , 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +M.Z. Iofa 
 +** Cosmological restrictions on parameters of models
 + with extra dimension of space-time **
 +===== A.I. Sukachev =====
 +January 21, 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +A.I. Sukachev (Phys. Dept. MSU)
 +** Effects of charged Higgs bosons in neutral mesons mixing **
 +===== B.A. Arbuzov  =====
 +January 14, 2009 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +B.A. Arbuzov
 +** Bogoliubov compensation principle in the electro-weak theory: running gauge coupling, muon g-2 anomaly, effects at LHC **
 +===== A.V. Zayakin  =====
 +December 24, 2008 (Wednesday) 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Andrey V. Zayakin (ITEP & Muenich University)
 +** Non-Local Gluon Condensate from Dyson-Schwinger Equations in a Pure Gauge Theory **
 +===== D.I. Melekhov  =====
 + December 17, 2008 (Wednesday), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Melekhov D.I. (SINP and Viena University)
 +** Hadron properties in QCD sum rules **
 +===== B.B. Levchenko =====
 + Wednesday December 10, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +B.B. Levchenko (SINP)
 +** E+E- pair production in strong electric field
 + with taking into account of the Coulomb interaction **
 +===== V.S. Mineev =====
 + Wednesday November 26, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +V.S. Mineev
 +** Coulomb interaction and framed Hilbert spaces **
 +===== L. Rumyantsev =====
 + Wednesday November 19, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Rumyantsev Leonid (JINR)
 +** Implementation of the processes of H and Z-bosons
 +production and decay into SANC framework **
 +===== A. Khmelnitsky =====
 + Wednesday November 12, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Andrew Khmelnitsky (INR RAS)
 +** Supersymmetric model with light gravitino as warm dark matter (part 2). **
 +===== A. Khmelnitsky =====
 + Wednesday October 22, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Andrew Khmelnitsky (INR RAS)
 +** Supersymmetric model with light gravitino as warm dark matter. **
 +===== V.N. Velizhanin =====
 + Wednesday October 15, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +V.N. Velizhanin (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
 +** The Four-Loop Konishi in N=4 SYM. **
 +===== A.A. Godizov =====
 + Wednesday October 8, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +A.A. Godizov (IHEP Protvino)
 +** Non-linearity of Regge trajectories
 +and hadron diffraction at high energies. **
 +===== A.I. Davydychev =====
 + Wednesday July 2, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +A.I. Davydychev (SINP MSU)
 +** Geometrical approach to the evaluation of Feynman diagrams. **
 +===== B.A. Arbuzov =====
 + Wednesday May 14, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +** Seminar dedicated to the 70 year jubilee of Professor B.A. Arbuzov.
 +===== A.A. Baldin =====
 + Tuesday May 13, 11-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +A.A. Baldin (JINR)
 +** Study of relativistic many-particle interactions in the framework of Lobachevsky geometry. **
 +===== M.S. Pshirkov =====
 +Wednesday May 07 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +M.S. Pshirkov (Pushchino Radio-Astronomy Observatory, FIAN)
 +** Pulsar tests of the relativity theory. **
 +===== L.M. Slad' =====
 +Wednesday Apr 02 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +L.M. Slad' (SINP MSU)
 +** On electromagnetic form-factors and
 +polarizations of non-Dirac particles with the rest spin 1/2,
 +part 2. **
 +===== L.M. Slad' =====
 +Wednesday Mar 26 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +L.M. Slad' (SINP MSU)
 +** On electromagnetic form-factors and polarizations of non-Dirac particles with the rest spin 1/2. **
 +===== Kozlov G.A. =====
 +Wednesday Mar 19 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Kozlov G.A. (JINR, Dubna)
 +** Hadron processes and electroweak interaction
 +effects in Standard Model and beyond. **
 +===== S.Yu. Vernov =====
 +Wednesday Mar 12 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +S.Yu. Vernov (SINP MSU)
 +** Nonlocal linear models in the Friedmann--Robertson--Walker
 +metric. **
 +===== V.Shakhparonov =====
 +Wednesday Mar 5 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +V.Shakhparonov (SINP MSU)
 +** Non-equidistant series of earth and satelite
 +measurements with background of noise processes. **
 +===== V.I. Kukulin =====
 +Wednesday Feb 27 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +V.I. Kukulin (SINP MSU)
 +** The Dibaryon concept of nuclear forces and its
 +experimental confirmation. **
 +===== Yu.S. Mikhailov =====
 +Wednesday Feb 20 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +Yu.S. Mikhailov (Faculty of Physics, MSU)
 +** Gravitational interaction in stabilized Randall-Sundrum model. **
 +===== I.F. Ginzburg =====
 +Monday Feb 4 (2008) at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +I.F. Ginzburg, (MI RAN Novosibirsk)
 +** Exotic new physics via large angle high energy photons at LHC, ILC etc. **
 +===== D.A. Slavnov =====
 +Wednesday Oct 31 (2007) at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +D.A. Slavnov (MSU)
 +** Problem of locality in quantum theory **
 +===== A.D. Sukhanov =====
 +Wednesday Oct 03 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +A.D. Sukhanov (RUDN, Moscow)
 +** On quantum generalization of statistical thermodynamics **
 +===== B.A. Arbuzov =====
 +Wednesday Apr 25 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +B.A. Arbuzov, ** Infrared non-perturbative QCD running coupling
 +from Bogolubov approach. **
 +===== С.Б. Яковлев =====
 +Wednesday Apr 11 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +С.Б. Яковлев (НИИЯФ МГУ)
 +** Борелевские правила сумм в квантовой хромодинамике
 +для барионов октета и соотношения между ними. **
 +===== D.G. Levkov =====
 +Wednesday Mar 28 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +D.G. Levkov (INR RAS)
 +** Tunneling via unstable semiclassical solutions: A systematic approach. **
 +===== S.Yu. Vernov =====
 +Wednesday Mar 14 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +S.Yu. Vernov
 +**  Construction of Exact Solutions in Two-Fields Models and the Crossing of the Cosmological Constant Barrier. **
 +===== D.A.Slavnov =====
 +Wednesday Jan 17 (2007) at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +**  Quantum Mechanics and Classical Probability Theory. **
 +===== Yu.P. Filippov =====
 +Wednesday Oct 4 (2006) at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +Yu.P. Filippov (Samara SU)
 +**  Radiative effects in Higgs boson
 +interactions in MSSM (review of kandidat thesis). **
 +===== B.B. Levchenko =====
 +Wednesday Sept 27 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +B.B. Levchenko
 +** Regularities in hadron systematics, Regge trajectories and a
 +string quark model. **
 +===== Y. Bystritskiy =====
 +Wednesday Sept 20 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +Y. Bystritskiy (JINR)
 +** High order electromagnetic corrections
 +in pion decays and hadron production processes (by the kandidat thesis) **
 +===== M.V. Dolgopolov =====
 +Wednesday May 17 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +M.V. Dolgopolov (Samara SU)
 +** The evidences of CP violation in extended Higgs sector. **
 +We consider the effective Higgs potentials of the
 +MSSM and Next-to-MSSM with complex
 +parameters, when the CP invariance is broken explicitly and
 +spontaneously. The diagonal mass term in the local minimum of the
 +potential is constructed for the physical basis of Higgs fields.
 +For the special case of the two-doublet
 +Higgs sector of the MSSM, when CP invariance is violated by the Higgs
 +bosons interaction with scalar quarks of the third generation, we
 +calculate the Higgs boson masses and evaluate the two-fermion
 +Higgs boson decay widths and the widths of rare decays, the effective
 +self-couplings of Higgs bosons,  in the case of maximal CP-mixing which
 +is significantly different from CP-conserving case.
 +===== S. Demidov =====
 +Wednesday April 26 at 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +S. Demidov (INR RAS)
 +**Non-minimal split SUSY**
 +We present an extension of the minimal split supersymmetry model,
 +which is capable of solving the problem of the baryon
 +asymmetry of the Universe. Instead of MSSM we start with NMSSM and
 +split its spectrum in such a way that the low energy theory contains
 +neutral particles, in addition to the content of minimal split
 +supersymmetry. They can trigger the strongly first order electroweak
 +phase transition (EWPT) and provide an additional sources of
 +CP-violation. In this model we estimate the amount of the baryon
 +asymmetry produced during EWPT using WKB approximation for
 +CP-violating sources in diffusion equations. We examine the
 +contribution of CP-violating interactions to the electron and neutron
 +electric dipole moments and investigate the production of the
 +neutralino dark matter in the model.
 +===== S.V. Molodtsov, G.M. Zinovjev =====
 +Wednesday, March 15, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +S.V. Molodtsov, G.M. Zinovjev\\
 +** Colour field screening in the instanton liquid. **
 +===== N.P. Zotov =====
 +Wednesday, March 1, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +N.P. Zotov\\
 +** Small x physics and the k_T-factorization QCD
 +approach for hard processes at HERA and beyond (part II). **
 +===== B.A. Arbuzov =====
 +Wednesday, February 22, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +B.A. Arbuzov\\
 +** Bogolubov quasi-averages in low-energy QCD. **
 +===== N.P. Zotov =====
 +Wednesday, February 15, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +N.P. Zotov\\
 +** Small x physics and the k_T-factorization QCD
 +approach for hard processes at HERA and beyond. **
 +===== E.E. Boos, Yu.S. Mikhailov,  M.N. Smolyakov, I.P. Volobuev =====
 +Wednesday, February 8, 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab. Building of SINP
 +E.E. Boos, Yu.S. Mikhailov,  M.N. Smolyakov, I.P. Volobuev\\
 +** Physical degrees of freedom in stabilized brane world models. **
 +===== M.Ioffa =====
 +Wednesday, February 1 (2006), 15-00, room 324 of HEP Lab.
 +Building of SINP
 +M. Z. Iofa\\
 +**Hierarchy and cosmology in two-branes model.**
 +===== Yu.Kubyshin =====
 +September 14, 2005 (Wednesday), 15:00, aud. 3-24 LKVE\\
 +Yu. Kubyshin\\
 +**On some problems of beam dynamics in electron accelerators.**
 +[[|Old seminars]]
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