====== Памяти Н.П.Зотова ====== {{ :zotov.jpg?450 |}} Дирекция НИИЯФ МГУ и руководство ОТФВЭ с глубоким прискорбием извещает, что 22 января 2016 года на 75-ом году жизни безвременно скончался ведущий научный сотрудник Отдела теоретической физики высоких энергий, доктор физико-математических наук Николай Петрович ЗОТОВ. Вся жизнь Николая Петровича со студенческой скамьи была связана с МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. В 1970-ом году после аспирантуры он поступил на работу в НИИЯФ МГУ, где прошёл путь от младшего научного сотрудника до ведущего научного сотрудника. Ему было присвоено почётное звание «Заслуженный научный сотрудник МГУ». Николай Петрович всецело был предан науке. Областью его интересов всегда была теория сильных взаимодействий элементарных частиц. В рамках квантовой хромодинамики им был развит подход kt-факторизации, который оказался очень успешным при описании различных процессов столкновения частиц при высоких энергиях и получил мировое признание. Его результаты были востребованы ведущими международными коллаборациями на коллайдерах Tevatron, HERA, LHC. Николай Петрович уделял большое внимание работе с аспирантами и молодыми учёными: под его руководством было защищено три кандидатских диссертации. Светлая память о Николае Петровиче, замечательном учёном и человеке навсегда останется в наших сердцах. Выражаем глубокие соболезнования коллегам, родным и близким Николая Петровича. //Прощание с Н.П. Зотовым состоится в понедельник 25 января от 12:30 в морге Клинической больницы имени С.П. Боткина по адресу: 2-й Боткинский проезд, 5 (ст.м. "Беговая"). \\ Похороны на Кузьминском кладбище по адресу: ул. Академика Скрябина, стр. 19 (м. "Рязанский проспект", далее авт. №29, №159).\\ Поминки - в Столовой №8 МГУ в 17:00. // ===== Избранные фотографии ===== {{gallery>:zotov?80x80&crop&lightbox}} ===== Ссылки на другие сайты ===== Подборка очень интересных фото Н.П.Зотова на сайте [[http://lve.sinp.msu.ru/~rud/Zotov_NP.picts/index_ordered.php|Вячеслава Рудя]] ===== Воспоминания коллег ===== [[zotov:memories|Воспоминания]] //Уважаемые коллеги,// Если у кого есть дополнительные материалы или Вы хотите внести свой вклад в создание сборника воспоминаний о Николай Петровиче, то просьба посылать материалы Артему Липатову ([[lipatov@theory.sinp.msu.ru]]). ====== Соболезнования ====== ===== Manfred Fleischer and etc. ===== Dear family, dear colleagues with great sorrow we have heard from the sudden death of Nikolai Zotov. We express our sincere condolences to his family and colleagues. Nikolai Zotov was a scientist, who contributed and formed very much the scientific program of the experimental collaborations, ZEUS and H1, at HERA. He made played a very significant role in the whole area of small x physics to which he contributed until very recently. Together with the DESY groups CMS and ATLAS, Nikolai concentrated in the last 10 years on the physics program at the LHC, very interesting and important publications were released, a very special topic was his enthusiasm to understand onium production in hadron-hadron and ep collisions. As a visiting scientist at DESY, Nikolai was present in many discussions and seminars. He was a very friendly and nice colleague and it was a great pleasure to work with him. In the many years Nikolai was visiting and collaborating with DESY, many of us became good friends with him. We will keep Nikolai Zotov in very good memory. on behalf of DESY - FH Manfred Fleischer ZEUS/CMS - Matthias Kasemann H1/ATLAS - Stefan Schmitt International Office - Steffi Killough ===== Hannes and Antje ===== Dear family, dear colleagues with great sadness have we heard from the sudden and unexpected death of our friend and colleague Nikolai and we express out sincere condolences to you. Nikolai was a very nice colleague, who was always interested in new challenges. I have worked with him for over more than 25 years. He was the one who raised my interest in small x physics and kt-factorisation in the beginning of the HERA times and we started a very intense collaboration which continued until now. I remember so many, exciting discussions with Nikolai, it was a very good collaboration, where many new results were produced. And we still had so many plans for new papers. And during the many years, Nikolai became a very good friend, his visits to Hamburg were more than just for business, it was always also seeing a good old friend. It was a very special event, when we visited in 2006 Moscow, where he, his family and his friends, Irina, Artem and Serguei, were guiding us through the city. We will never forget the visit to the Lenin Mausoleum, where he was waiting well in advance in the queue, it was for all of us very impressive. When he was in Hamburg we enjoyed very much seeing him, it was one of his specialities, to always express a toast to anything he liked, we will miss him so much. We will keep Nikolai in our best memory, as a very nice colleague and a very, very good friend. Nikolai, we'll miss you. In our thoughts we will be with you Best Hannes & Antje ===== Alessandro Papa ===== Dear Dr. Lukina, as the Head of the Cosenza unit of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN - Italy) and member of the Organizing Committee of the International workshop of the series Diffraction, I want to express, on account of the many friends Nikolai had here in our group, our most sincere condolences to his family. We will miss a brilliant colleague, one of the most active participants to our workshop and, more importantly, a dear friend. With warmest regards, Alessandro Papa -- ----------------------------------------------------- Alessandro Papa Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` della Calabria and INFN - Cosenza Ponte Bucci, cubo 31C I-87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS) ITALY Tel: +39 0984 49 6015 Fax: 4401 papa@fis.unical.it papa@cs.infn.it