Computer Algebra for
Dynamical Systems and Celestial Mechanics
at ACA'2008 to be held at RISC, Linz, Austria (July 27-30)
Session Organizers:
Victor Edneral Moscow State University, Russia
Aleksandr Myllari University of Turku, Finland
Nikolay Vassiliev Steklov
Institute of Mathematics at St.Petersburg, Russia
Celestial Mechanics and
Dynamical Systems are traditional fields for applications of computer algebra.
This session is intended to discuss Computer Algebra methods and modern
algorithms in the study of general continuous and discrete Dynamical Systems,
Ordinary Differential Equations and Celestial Mechanics.
The following topics,
among others, will be considered:
Stability and bifurcation analysis
of dynamical systems
Construction and analysis of the
structure of integral manifolds
Symplectic methods.
Symbolic dynamics.
Normal forms and programs for their
Deterministic chaos in dynamical
Families of periodic solutions.
Perturbation theories.
Exact solutions and partial
Analysis of singularities of
equations by power geometry algorithms.
Computation of asymptotic forms and
asymptotic expansions of solutions and its program implementation.
Integrability and
nonintegrability of ODEs.
Computation of formal integrals.
Computer algebra for celestial
mechanics and stellar dynamics.
Specialized computer algebra
software for celestial mechanics.
Topological structure of phase
portraits and computer visualization.
(new) The Program (pdf, html)
The Initial List of Talks:
- Analysis
of dynamics for a satellite with gyros with the aid of the software LinModel
(Andrey V. Banshchikov,
Institute for System Dynamicsand Control Theory,
SB of RAS, Russia)
- A
modern, generic and object-oriented algebraic manipulation framework for
Celestial Mechanics
(Francesco Biscani, Department of
Astronomy, University
of Padua, Italy)
- Application
of the computer algebra system PSP to the Earth's rotation problem
(V.A. Brumberg, T.V.Ivanova, Institute of Applied Astronomy, St.-Petersburg,
- On
gyroscopic stabilization with the singular matrix of gyroscopic forces
(Larisa A. Burlakova, Institute of Systems Dynamics and Control
Theory, SB of RAS, Russia)
- Calculation
of the asymptotic expansion of continuous spectrum solutions of the two-dimentional boundary problem
(O. Chuluunbaatar, V.P. Gerdt, A.A. Gusev,
S.I. Vinitsky, Joint Institute for
Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia,
P.M.Krassovitskiy, Institute of Nuclear
Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
- Construction
of periodic orbits and their regularity as approximation of invariant
(Corrado Falcolini,
University of
Roma Tre, Italy)
- Approximating
center manifolds on a model for a Solar Sail
(Ariadna Farrés
and Àngel Jorba,
Departament de Matemàtica
Aplicada i Anàlisi Universitat de Barcelona,
- On
invariant manifolds of conservative systems with 3-rd and 6-th degree
first integrals
(Valentine D. Irtegov, Tatiana N. Titorenko, Institute for Systems Dynamics and
Control Theory, SB of RAS, Russia)
- On
the automatic computation of high order variationals
for the numerical integration of ODE by means of the Taylor method
(Àngel Jorba,
Departament de Matemàtica
Aplicada i Anàlisi Universitat de Barcelona,
- Planetary
three-body problem with Poisson series processor
(K.V. Kholshevnikov, Sobolev
Astronomical Institute, St.Petersburg State
University, Russia,
E.D. Kuznetsov, Astronomical Observatory,
Ural State University, Russia)
- Nekhoroshev estimates in a symplectic mapping model of
the 1:1 resonance of the elliptic restricted three body problem
(Christoph Lhotka,
Institute for
Astronomy, University
of Vienna, Austria)
- Dynamic
visualization for computational dynamics
(Daniel Lichtblau, Wolfram Research, USA)
- Symbolic
creation of nilpotent normal forms: another point of view
(J. Mikram and F. Zinoun,
University of Rabat
and University of Meknès, Moroccan
- Caustics
in the Dynamical Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom
(A. Mylläri, University of
Turku, Finland,
T. Mylläri , Åbo Akademi
University, Finland,
A.Gusev , S. Vinitsky,
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,
Symbolic-numeric model in artificial satellite theory
(Juan F. San-Juan, Dept. Matemáticas
y Computación, Universidad
de La Rioja,
- Wave
fronts and caustics of vector fields
(Victor Varin, Keldysh Institute of
Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia)
- On
Complexity of Series Manipulations in Celestial Mechanics
(Nikoly Vassiliev,
Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg, Russia)
- May 26, 2008: Deadline for submissions of
extended abstracts (as PDF files, not more than 4 pages in A4). Abstracts
should include the title, authors' name(s), affiliation(s) and the contact
e-mail. Send them to Victor Edneral, please.
- June 02, 2008: Notification of Acceptance.