-1 instead of i in the numerator
a_l-1 instead of a-1 in the power of alpha_l
eq. (2.33), the 1st line
q_0^2 instead of q^2 in the exponent
The overall factor 1/(\Gamma(\lambda_1)\Gamma(\lambda_2)) is missing, and the numerator of the integrand has to be \xi^{\lambda_1-1} (1-\xi)^{\lambda_2-1}
the overall minus sign in the brackets in the denominator, i.e. (-A+D\sum...)
There should be k_{\mu}- l_{\mu} in the integrand, rather than k_{\mu}.
There should be additional factor k^2 in the last denominator
The upper limit of summation over j is also h
The upper integration limit in the second integral is infinity
There should be J(1+n_1,...,1+n_4)
The factor 1/(l^2-m^2) should be moved after the Taylor operator. The overall minus sign should be included in the last line
The last propagator in the first and third lines should be massless
There should be 2q.k - q^2 rather than 2q.k - k^2 in the last term
(A.3) -> (A.22)
The first propagator should be also massive, i.e. with 1/(k^2-m^2)
There should be 0 rather than p_0 (twice)
The overall factor i \pi^{d/2} is missing on the right-hand side
The third propagator should be changed to (k-p')^2
Strictly speaking, 1/2 is missing at the last integral, due to the Jacobian
(k+\tilde{r})^2 instead of (l+\tilde{r})^2
...,0,\sqrt{T},... instead of ...,\sqrt{T},0,...
- 2 p_2 \cdot \tilde{r} instead of 2 p_2 \cdot \tilde{r}
there should be i pi^{d/2} instead of i pi^d
there should be 2 psi(-ep) - psi(1+ep) instead of psi(-ep) - 2 psi(1+ep) (twice)
-m^2 instead of +m^2 (twice)
\pi^2/6 instead of \pi^2/2 at L^2
P_{ik} instead of P_{i}
the factor 2^n is missing on the right-hand side
the factor 2^n is missing on the right-hand side
the factor 1/N! on the rhs should be omitted
i instead of 1 in the numerator of the right-hand side
the prefactor should be (-1)^a/(a-1)! and the integrand \ln^{a-1}(t)/(t-1/z)