the upper limit should be \infty, not 1
insert the factor \alpha_5 into the term (\alpha_1+\alpha_3)(\alpha_2+\alpha_4)
there should be \pi^4 rather than \pi^2
[8] -> [D.J. Broadhurst, J. Fleischer and O.V. Tarasov, Z. Phys. C60 (1993) 287]
insert the factor \Gamma(-z_2-z_3-z_4) and put \Gamma(4-a_{467}-2\epsilon +z_5+z_6+z_7) in the denominator
the numerator (l_1 l_3)^{-a_{11}}... -> the numerator [(l_1+ l_3)^2]^{-a_{11}}, where $l_{1,3}$ are the momenta flowing through lines $1$ and $3$ in the same direction.
replace \Gamma(a_{1,2}+z_1) by \Gamma(a_{12}+z_1)
insert (\I\pi^{d/2})^2 in the 2nd line and make the replacement \frac{(\I\pi^2)^2}{q^2} -> -\frac{(\I\pi^{d/2} \E^{-\gm_{\rm E} \ep})^2}{(-q^2)^{1+2\ep}} in the 3rd line
(d-a_{3466}) -> (d-a_{3466}-2)
eq. (5.47)
(d-a_{1266}) -> (d-a_{1266}-2)
the factor 2^n is missing on the right-hand side
the factor 1/N! on the rhs should be omitted