Computer Algebra for Dynamical Systems and Celestial Mechanics

               at the 18th International Conference ACA'2012 to be held at Sofia, Bulgaria,

June 25-28, 2012

Session Organizers:

Victor Edneral(Moscow State University, Russia)

Aleksandr Myllari(Abo Akademi University, Turku/Abo, Finland)

Nikolay Vassiliev(Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg, Russia )


Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Systems are traditional fields for applications of computer algebra. This session is intended to discuss Computer Algebra methods and modern algorithms in the study of general continuous and discrete Dynamical Systems, Ordinary Differential Equations and Celestial Mechanics.

The following topics, among others, will be considered:

1.      Stability and bifurcation analysis of dynamical systems.

2.      Construction and analysis of the structure of integral manifolds.

3.      Symplectic methods.

4.      Symbolic dynamics.

5.      Perturbation theories.

6.      Normal forms and Power geometry.

7.      Integrability and nonintegrability of ODEs.

8.      Exact solutions and integrals.

9.      Families of periodic solutions.

10.  Computation of asymptotes of solutions and its program implementation.

11.  Deterministic chaos in dynamical systems.

12.  Formal integrals.

13.  Modern trends in KAM theory.

14.  Computer algebra for celestial mechanics and stellar dynamics.

15.  Specialized computer algebra software for celestial mechanics.

16.  Topological structure of phase portraits and computer visualization.

17.  Discrete Dynamical Systems.

Important Information & Dates:


*      Submission of full papers, talks or abstracts of talks at the conference: May 20, 2012. Abstracts can be sent to session organizers directly.

*      Notification of acceptance of the report for the conference: one week after receiving the material.







M. Olle, E. Barrabes,

J. M. Mondelo

Computation of doubly asymptotic solutions

A.D. Bruno, V.F. Edneral

Normal Forms of the Euler-Poisson Equations

A. Myllari, M. Valtonen,

V. Orlov. , A. Rubinov

The stability criteria for three-body system

T. Combot

Non integrability of the colinear 3 and 4 body problem


Universal Involutive Basis and Robbiano Border Bases

A.E. Rosaev

The parametric resonance as a source of chaotic behaviour in a restricted three body problem

N.N.Vassiliev, A.B. Terentiev

About modeling of Markov processes with asymptotically central measure on three dimensional Young diagrams


The history of these sessions/conferences:







ACA 2000

ACA 2002

ACA 2006

ACA 2008

ACA 2009

ACA 2010