
  1. How to unpack codes
  2. Compilation procedure
  3. User installation and start of CalcHEP session
  4. Possible problems
  5. Model installation

1 How to unpack the codes

The name of the received file which you have copied from the CalcHEP WWW page should be

where # - denotes the number of release

Unpack this file by

tar -xzf calchep_2.4.#.tgz
mv calchep_2.4.#.tgz calchep_2.4.#.tar.gz
gunzip calchep_2.4.#.tar.gz
tar -xvf calchep_2.3.#.tar

As a result a directory 'calchep_2.4.#' should be created.This directory contains source codes of the CalcHEP package for UNIX platforms.

2 Compilation procedure

In order to compile the CalcHEP source code you need a C  compiler with the X11 graphics library. The compilation is launched by the

gmake or make

command started from the CalcHEP root directory. Indeed gmake options are needed. But if gmake is absence, it as rule means that your make works like gmake.

If the C compiler and X11 files are detected and the sources are compiled successfully you will see the message:

"CalcHEP can be started."

Otherwise the corresponding error message comes out. See below a discussion of possible problems.

The files in the CalcHEP root directory will be used only for reading and execution during the user session. It provides one with a possibility to have one CalcHEP root directory for several users.

Each user has to create his own directory to work with CalcHEP. See an instruction for the user installation in the next section.

3 User installation and start of the CalcHEP session

The CalcHEP root directory is not intended to start a session. For this purpose the user has to prepare a special working directory. A few working directories may be created for various tasks and by different users.

The user working directory is prepared by the command
./mkWORKdir dir_Name
launched from the CalcHEP root directory. For example
./mkWORKdir ~/WORK
As a result the following sub-directories and files should appear in your WORK directory:
models/    tmp/        results/     bin/
calchep    calchep.ini

The directory models is used for files which describe models of particle interactions. The directory tmp is created for temporal files. The directory results is assigned for a CalcHEP  output. bin is a symbolic link to CalcHEP executables.

To start a CalcHEP  session you should issue a command

The calchep.ini file allows to choose an appropriate text font for the CalcHEP  window, select the color or colorless mode for the window and also switch on/off the sound signal. The syntax of this file is self-explanatory.

Possible problems

At first step make_all lauches getflags. The target of this program is generation of files FlagsForSh and FlagsForMake which contains names of C and Fortran compilers and compiler flags. If FlagsForSh is absent, it is generated autmatically depending on Unix platform. Otherwise getflags checks the flags written in FlagsForSh. Thus in case of problem user has to correct FlagsForSh and start make_all or getflags again. FlagsForMake contains the same flags but for usage in Makefiles. It is corrected automatically.

To use CalcHEP in graphic interface mode one should have installed
libX11-devel for Fedora/Scientific, Darwin(MAC)
libX11-dev for Ubuntu/Debian
xorg-x11-devel for SUSE
If the package is installed, one should see X11 header files in directory /usr/include/X11

Model installation

CalcHEP contains only SM. Other models should be installed indepedently. To install new model the user has to
a) download the corresponding MODEL.tgz file.
b) unpack it; In result directory MODEL with CalcHEP model files and codes for external functions will be generated.
c) If you don't dispose MODEL in CalcHEP directory, improve definition of CALCHEP variable in MODEL/Makefile. It has to show the path to CalcHEP directory which is used to dowload the file with compiler flags.
d) read README file attached to the model and make the corresponding changes in Makefile if it needs.
e) launch 'gmake' inside MODEL. If 'gmake' is absent try 'make'. The Makefile is written for 'gmake', but in modern platforms sometimes 'make' presents the 'gmake' command. In results of compilation you should get the mLib.a library.
f) To add a new model to the list of models for your working sessions use the "IMPORT OF MODELS" menu function. It asks you to define the directory where model is disposed:
Dir= 'path to MODEL'/models
For expample, in case of MSSM disposed directly inside CalcHEP
Dir= $CALCHEP/MSSM/models