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[✓ shigarov, 2018-11-12]Technical correction with Journal requirements, read the reviewer 1 (A. Shigarov)
[✓ shigarov, 2018-11-13]Extend the literature survey by additional references, read the review report 1 (E. Postnikov)
[✓ shigarov, 2018-11-13]Rewrite the abstract, read the review report 1 (A. Kryukov)
[✓ shigarov, 2018-11-12]Add a subsection with contribution description as a reply to the review report 2 (A. Shigarov)
[✓ shigarov, 2018-11-13]Add a discussion on the astrophysics questions mentioned by the review report 3 (E. Postnikov)
[✓ shigarov, 2018-11-12]English proofreading (J. Dubenskaya)
[✓ shigarov, 2018-11-12]Spelling of Tokareva's name
[✓ shigarov, 2018-11-12]Add Dongwha to authors
[✓ mikhailov, 2018-12-06]Write responses to the reviewers (A. Shigarov)
[✓ mikhailov, 2018-12-06]Upload paper to arxiv
Final version of metadata
Engine for metadata DB (MySQL/PostgreSQL)
Storage for Tunka-Rex data
Interface for querying and downloading
Preparing Tunka-Rex data
UUID for KCDC entries
Metadata from KCDC
Interface for uploading data from KCDC
[Д.К.]Договориться о проведении F2F митинга в Карлсруэ осенью
[A.K.]Сформировать список докладов на конференции GRID-2018 в Дубне
[А.К.]Собрать заявки на командировки 2018г
Architecture of APPDS (A.Kryukov)
Events sample of TUNKA for ML (E.Korosteleva)
Comparision TensorFlow and PyTourch for APP tasks
Data Format (on example of KASCADE and TAIGA)
Meta data provenance system
On-fly Aggregation service
archive/appds/todo.txt · Last modified: 05/07/2024 22:03 by admin