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conferences:main [06/05/2021 11:34] – [ISSAC 2021] kryukovconferences:main [05/07/2024 22:29] (current) – removed admin
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-====== 2021 ====== 
-===== ISSAC 2021 ===== 
-International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation \\  
-July 18-23 2021 \\  
-Saint Petersburg, Russia 
-Despite the international situation making it impossible to hold 
-ISSAC'21 the way usual ISSAC conferences are held, the conference will 
-maintain all aspects of the program. It will be organized according to 
-the following exceptional format: 
-  * ISSAC'21 will be run in a hybrid mode, that is, with largest attendance online and a possibility to attend in person for those able to travel. 
-  * The working times will be from 14:00 to 20:00 in Saint Petersburg, so as to accommodate as many time zones as possible. 
-  * The conference will spread over 5 days, including tutorials (Mon 19 to Fri 23 July). 
-Details: [[]] 
-===== Workshop on Computer Algebra ===== 
-22nd Workshop on Computer Algebra in memory of Professor Vladimir Gerdt. The Workshop will be held on May 24 – 25, 2021 in Dubna. 
-Registration deadline **12 May 2021** 
-Подробности: [[]] 
-===== GRID-2021 ===== 
-The 9th International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid Technologies in Science and Education" (GRID'2021), 5 – 9 July, 2021, Dubna, Russia 
-Conference topics: 
-  * Distributed Computing Systems. 
-  * Research Infrastructure. 
-  * Computing for MegaScience Projects. 
-  * Distributed Computing Applications. 
-  * HPC. 
-  * Data Management. 
-  * Virtualization. 
-  * Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning 
-====== Call for Grants 2019 ====== 
-===== RFBR ===== 
-==== мол_нр ==== 
-[[|Конкурс на лучшие научные проекты, выполняемые молодыми учеными под руководством кандидатов и докторов наук в научных организациях Российской Федерации («Мобильность»)]] 
-Срок подачи: **01.08.2019** 
-==== а ==== 
-[[|Конкурс на лучшие проекты фундаментальных научных исследований]] 
-Срок подачи: **04.09.2019** 
-====== Conferences 2019 ====== 
-Archives: [[conferences:arch19|2019]] 
-===== 3rd International Conference "Computer Algebra" ===== 
-[[|3rd International Conference "Computer Algebra"]], \\ 
-Moscow, June 17-21, 2019 
-**Submission deadline: April, 21, 2019.** 
conferences/main.1620290078.txt.gz · Last modified: 06/05/2021 11:34 by kryukov