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dlcp2024:place [04/03/2025 23:29] – ↷ Page moved from dlcp2024:place to dlcp:dlcp2024:place admindlcp2024:place [04/03/2025 23:56] (current) – created - external edit
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 +===== Place and transportation =====
 +**Access to the conference using lists at the security point. \\ 
 +To enter the building you must have your passport with you. **
 +||{{dlcp:dlcp2024:19bld-map2.png?400 |}} | [[|The Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclea Physics  of  MSU]] (Leninskie gory-1, bld.5, Moscow, Russia, near by metro "Universitet"). Room 2-15, second flow. \\ \\ To enter the institute you need to have a passport with you. \\ \\ The ZOOM link will only be sent to registered participants 1 days before the start of the conference. \\ \\ //*) The territory of Moscow State University is closed to the entry of vehicles without a pass.//||
 +||{{dlcp:dlcp2024:ioras-map-2.png?400|}} | The section "Machine learning in environmental sciences" (June 20, 2024) will be held at [[|the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences]]. \\ Address: Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, building 36. \\ \\ The section will be held in the Small Conference Hall. To enter the institute you need to have a passport with you.||
 +===== Accommodation =====
 +Conference participants have to make hotel reservations on their own and in advance. Sorry, NO VISA support.
 +====== Обед ======
 +Пообедать можно на юридичском факультете (см. схему). Проход по списку. При себе иметь пасспорт.