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Place and transportation

Access to the conference using lists at the security point.
To enter the building you must have your passport with you.

The Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclea Physics of MSU (Leninskie gory-1, bld.5, Moscow, Russia, near by metro “Universitet”). Room 2-15, second flow.

To enter the institute you need to have a passport with you.

The ZOOM link will only be sent to registered participants 1 days before the start of the conference.

*) The territory of Moscow State University is closed to the entry of vehicles without a pass.
The section “Machine learning in environmental sciences” (June 20, 2024) will be held at the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Address: Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, building 36.

The section will be held in the Small Conference Hall. To enter the institute you need to have a passport with you.


Conference participants have to make hotel reservations on their own and in advance. Sorry, NO VISA support.


Пообедать можно на юридичском факультете (см. схему). Проход по списку. При себе иметь пасспорт.

dlcp2024/place.txt · Last modified: 04/03/2025 23:56 by