Final all member meeting will take plave in Dubna, 25 of June, Sunday.
resource allocation and job scheduling;
simulation in local and GRID environment;
the LCG;
LCG middleware;
VO’s on different platforms and OS versions;
MS Windows.NET platform;
LCG infrastructure to achieve full-scale functionality;
intensive applications;
Duration: 24 Months
This project is devoted to the development of advanced algorithms and tools, study of optimization problems, methods of testing, evaluation of emerging soft- and middleware for the LCG infrastructure. An analysis of Grid systems, including computer modeling, is also to be carried out. A distinctive of the project is that the results (being in tight correspondence with the general LCG plans and scheduling) will be directly applied to enhancement of functionality of the Russian LCG segment and as well will be offered for use in the whole LCG infrastructure. Six Russian institutes (ITEP and SINP MSU in Moscow, JINR in Dubna, IHEP in Protvino, PNPI in Gatchina, near St-Petersburg, and BINP from Novosibirsk), being basic institutions in the Russian LHC Regional Center activity, and three INTAS teams, CERN IT (Geneve, Switzerland), Forschungszentrum (Karlsruhe, Germany) and INFN (Padova, Italy), being one of the major participants in the LHC Computing GRID project, have decided to join efforts to get this main goal. The investigations will be based on the activity initiated and carried out under the preceding INTAS-CERN project (No. 00-0440). The results of this research provide a solid background for more advanced and practical activity in the framework of the current proposal.
The team has a good experience in applications of the advanced technology of distributed computations in High Energy Physics. Development of advanced mathematical techniques, including computer modeling, for LCG aims at improving functionality of key components of Grid systems. Development of the infrastructure- state and data-migration monitoring tools as well as optimization of data access and transfer (including optimization of data flow migration between different end users and Tier-levels) should result in enhancement the LCG usability, performance, quality of service, etc. The complicated LCG infrastructure requires various types of monitoring tools: to obtain information about operational state of computing systems and networks and providing statistic information about the resources, data flow, job execution. A special test suite to be constructed in the framework of this project is intended for comprehensive testing of new implementations of data services. An important part of this proposal is the creation of a background for development of LCG at further stages. A practical part of the project includes installation and tests of components of the LCG infrastructure in the Russian segment and aims at achieving its full-scale functionality. Thus, the expected results should provide an integration of the Russian GRID segment into the whole LCG infrastructure and, eventually, full-scale participation of Russian scientists in the LHC experiments.
Task leader - A. Kryukov, SINP-MSU
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Task leader - Yu. Ryabov, PNPI
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Task leader - V. Korenkov, JINR
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Task leader - I.Bird, CERN-IT.
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Task leader - M. Kunze, FZK
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Task leader - V. Ilyin, SINP MSU
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