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T4 .The development of test suite for new LCG middleware

Task coordinator : I.Bird, belonging to team: CERN-IT, deputy E. Slabospitskaya (IHEP)

Other participants: Yu. Lazin (IHEP), D.Oleynik (JINR), A. Kiryanov (PNPI), V. Kolosov and S. Makarychev (both ITEP)

Objectives :

The LCG-2 middleware will be based on a number of components developed in various R&D projects (Globus, EDG, iVDGL etc.). A common solution has to be developed to allow the extensive stress testing of the functionality and performance of these middleware via rapid submission of very large number of user or system jobs. We wish to test in particular the correct installation and configuration of main servers, of the information system, data management etc. .

Methodology :

Development of the test suite will use results of the investigation of interrelations between main components of the LCG software. The transparent user interface will be developed. Software will be written in scripting laguages, such as Perl or Python. The link Russia-CERN and personal visits for communications with LCG will be used.

Task Input:

We intend to always use the latest LCG release. Russian sites participating in tests have to be help up-to-date with released software. . The link Russia-GEANT (155 Mbps in beginning of 2004) is also needed.

Result, milestones :


  1. development of the LCG-2 test suite for install and configuration testing , Feb. 2004 - June 2004;
  2. test suite the follow-up to LCG-2 (probably based on web-services), Sept. 2004 - Dec. 2004;
  3. test suite for follow-up system (called here LCG-3), Jan. 2005 - July 2005.


The result of our activity is the creation of a new test suite. The investigation of information system and new data management carried out in this project will allow up to understand the serviceability of such grid infrastructure.


As deliverables we plan computer programs and the report.

intas/cern-intas03/task4.txt · Last modified: 11/07/2005 20:12 by