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As mentioned above, LanHEP can read the model description
from the input file prepared by the user.
To start LanHEP write the command
lhep filename options
where the possible options are described in the next section.
If the filename is omitted, LanHEP prints
it's prompt and waits for the keyboard input. In the last case,
user's input is copied into the file lhep.log and can be inspected
in the following. To finish the work with LanHEP,
type 'quit.' or simply press ^D
(or ^Z at MS DOS computers).
Possible options, which can be used in the command line to start LanHEP
- -OutDir directory Set the directory where
output files
will be placed.
- -InDir directory Set the default directory
where to
search files, which included by read and use statements.
- -tex LanHEP generates LaTeX files instead of
CompHEP model tables.
- -frc If -tex option is set, forces LanHEP
to split
4-fermion and 4-color vertices just as it is made for CompHEP files.
- -texLines num Set number of lines in LaTeX
tables to num. After the specified number of lines, LanHEP continues
writing current table on the next page of LaTeX the output. Default
value is 40.
- -texLineLength num Controls width of the
table. Default value is 35, user can vary table width by changing this
- -nocdot removes cdot commands
between the parameters symbols in the LaTeX output. This option is
useful when all parameters have prescribed LaTeX names.
- -c4 produces the output files for CompHEP
version 4x.xx, which has slightly different format than 3x.xx.
- -allvrt produces CompHEP-like ouput with
all vertices of the Lagrangian, including 1-leg and 2-leg ones
which contribute to the mass matrix. Vertices with more than 4 legs
are also in the output (this is not supported by CompHEP now).
- -evl num For the lengthly expression in a vertex
(more then num monomials) an auxiliary variable is generated,
and the expression is stored in the parameters table. This allows
to increase significantly the speed of symbolic calculation
of the matrix element by CompHEP. num=2 is recommended.
Next: Acknowlegements
Up: The LanHEP Handbook
Previous: Installation
Andrei Semenov