The main topics
The list of topics to be presented at the conference is not limited to this list.
Track 1. Machine Learning in Fundamental Physics
- Machine learning methods in particle astrophysics and high energy physics.
- Fast event generators based on machine learning for simulation of physics phenomena.
- Multi-messenger data analysis of experimental data.
- Application machine learning for data analysis in megascience facilities.
Track 2. Modern Machine Learning Methods
- Convolutional neural networks.
- Recurrent neural networks.
- Graph neural networks.
- Modern trends in machine learning.
Track 3. Machine Learning in Natural Sciences
- Biology and bioinformatics.
- Engineering sciences.
- Climate prediction and Earth monitoring.
Track 4. Machine Learning in Education
- Machine learning in High education.
- Outreach knowledge in machine learning
dlcp2023/topics.txt · Last modified: 05/03/2025 17:31 by admin