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Non-profit Use License Agreement

This Agreement is to be held between the Authors of the PEGASUS and a Party which acquires the program. On acquiring the program the Party agrees to be bound by terms of this agreement.

  • This Licence entitles the Licensee (one person) and the Licensee's research group to obtain a copy of the precompiled executable code of PEGASUS and to use the acquired program for academic research or other non-profit purposes within a research group; or, it entitles the Licensee (a company, organisation or computing center) to install the program and allow an access to the executable code to the members of the Licensee for academic research or other non-profit use. No user or site will re-distribute the executable code to a third party in the original or modified form without a written permission of the Authors.
pegasus/license.1575907706.txt.gz · Last modified: 09/12/2019 19:08 by lipatov