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Particle Event Generator: A Simple-in-Use System PEGASUS 1.0

PEGASUS is a parton-level Monte-Carlo event generator designed to calculate cross sections for a wide range of hard QCD processes at high energy proton-(anti)proton collisions, which incorporates the dynamics of transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions in a proton. Being supplemented with off-shell production amplitudes for a number of partonic subprocesses and provided with necessary TMD parton density functions, it produces event records which can be saved as a plain data file or a file in a commonly used Les Houches Event File format.

A distinctive feature of the PEGASUS is an intuitive and extremely user friendly interface, allowing one to easily implement various kinematical cuts. Results of the calculations can be also presented “on the fly” with built-it tool PEGASUS Plotter.

Contacts: Artem Lipatov

pegasus/news.1575459282.txt.gz · Last modified: 04/12/2019 14:34 by kryukov