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APPDS-RU: Библиография


Методы машинного обучения


  • Intel nGraph: An open source library for developing frameworks that can efficiently run deep learning computations on a variety of compute platforms

Форматы данных

Инструменты описания бинарных форматов данных

Kaitai Struct

Kaitai Struct

Kaitai Struct is a declarative language used for describe various binary data structures, laid out in files or in memory: i.e. binary file formats, network stream packet formats, etc.

The main idea is that a particular format is described in Kaitai Struct language (.ksy file) and then can be compiled with ksc into source files in one of the supported programming languages. These modules will include a generated code for a parser that can read described data structure from a file / stream and give access to it in a nice, easy-to-comprehend API.

Обратная разработка бинарных форматов с помощью Kaitai Struct


Data Format Description Language (DFDL)

Data Format Description Language (DFDL) is a language for describing text and binary data formats. A DFDL description allows any text or binary data to be read from its native format and to be presented as an instance of an information set. DFDL also allows data to be taken from an instance of an information set and written out to its native format. DFDL achieves this by leveraging W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSDL) 1.0. It is therefore very easy to use DFDL to convert text and binary data to a corresponding XML document.


Методы агрегации

Критерии функционирования системы



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appds/appds-ru/bibliograthy.1522200645.txt.gz · Last modified: 28/03/2018 04:30 by shigarov