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THEP contact information

THEP web site is mainly in Russian.

Prof. Victor Savrin Prof. Victor Savrin, Head of the Division
Phone: +7(495) 939-5315,
room 2-05a, South Wing of Physics Faculty bld.
Mrs. Elena Boos Mrs. Elena Boos, Dep. Head of the Division
Phone +7(495) 939-3173,+7-910-413-39-54,
room 2-25-2 HEP bld.


Division of Theoretical High Energy Physics
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics
Moscow State University
Leninskie gory-1
119991, Moscow, Russia.
Phone/fax: +7 (495) 939 0397



Room Who is in Phone No. Notes
2-05a V.I.Savrin 939-5315 Head of THEP Div.,
South Wing of Physics Faculty
4-04 B.A.Arbuzov 939-2875
4-04 P.A.Baikov 939-2875
2-10 N.M.Beglova 939-5077
4-17 G.Yu.Bogoclovsky 939-5079
2-12 E.E.Boos 939-2393
2-25-2E.G.Boos 939-3173
1-23a V.E.Bunichev 939-5989
2-25-2A.P.Demichev 939-3156
2-12 M.N.Dubinin 939-2393
2-25-3V.F.Edneral 939-3156
2-10 V.A.Ilyin 939-5077
1-23a M.Z.Iofa 939-5989
2-25-2A.P.Kryukov 939-3156
2-25-3N.A.Kurepin 939-3156
4-04 A.E.Pukhov 939-2875
2-25-2L.V.Shamardin 939-3156
2-25-3G.B.Shpiz 939-3156
4-24 L.M.Slad 939-3572
1-23a V.E.Tarasov 939-5989
4-17 S.Yu.Vernov 939-5079
4-24 I.P.Volobuev 939-3572
4-17 N.P.Zotov 939-5079
contacts.1310664018.txt.gz · Last modified: 15/01/2017 14:40 (external edit)