ACA 2017, Jerusalem, July 17-21, 2017



  • Victor Edneral (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
  • Aleksandr Mylläri (St. Georges University, Grenada)
  • Valery Romanovski  (University of Maribor, Slovenia)
  • Nikolay Vassiliev (V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Systems are traditional fields for applications of computer algebra. Computer algebra methods play a fundamental role in the treatment of concrete problems and applications. Characteristically, even for seemingly small problems, the computations may become very involved. Computer algebra applications include nontrivial use of existing systems Maple, Mathematica, Singular etc. and the development and implementation of new algorithms, and complete specialized packages.

The session will bring together specialists from diverse application areas, differential equations, dynamical systems and algebra.

In particular the following topics will be considered

  • Stability and bifurcation analysis of dynamical systems.
  • Construction and analysis of the structure of integral manifolds.
  • Symplectic methods.
  • Symbolic dynamics.
  • Normal form theory and normal form computations.
  • Deterministic chaos in dynamical systems.
  • Families of periodic solutions.
  • Perturbation theories and reductions.
  • Exact solutions and partial integrals.
  • Analysis and blow-ups of non-elementary stationary points.
  • Geometric singularities of implicit ordinary differential equations.
  • Analysis of singularities of equations.
  • Computation of asymptotic forms and asymptotic expansions of solutions and their program implementation.
  • Integrability and nonintegrability of ODEs; in particular algebraic invariant sets and Darboux integrability.
  • Discrete Dymanical Systems.
  • Computation of formal integrals.
  • Computer algebra for celestial mechanics and stellar dynamics.
  • Specialized computer algebra software for celestial mechanics.
  • Topological structure of phase portraits and computer visualization.
  • Specialized software for  planar systems.

For earlier sessions on Dynamical Systems and Celestial Mechanics see the history page of the session.

If you are interested in proposing a talk, please send an abstract to Victor Edneral. Please use this LaTeX template for your abstract and send both the LaTeX source and a compiled PDF version. We suggest that abstracts be at least half a page including references.


Please note that you also have to register for the conference via the ACA 2017 registration page. Take into account that the early registration (200 €) announced until May 29.



Talk submission deadline: May 29                                                          

Notification of acceptance: May 29





A.S. Perminov and E.D. Kuznetsov

The construction of averaged planetary motion theory by means computer algebra system Piranha.


Victor Edneral

Study of nonlinear degenerated ODEs. Presentation.

A. Mylläri, N. Vassiliev, T. Mylläri, A. Myullyari

Symbolic Dynamics in the Equal Mass Free-Fall Three-Body Problem: Analysis of Ergodic Components. Presentation.

A.Pasechnik, M. Valtonen , A. Myllari

On the Stability Criteria for Hierarchical Three-Body Systems. Presentation.

Vasilii Duzhin, Nikolay Vasilyev

The study of Markov processes on 3D Schur graph. Presentation.